Pedestrian Crossing: Traffic Lights meaning of colors

Traffic lights use different colors to communicate various instructions to pedestrians and drivers. The meanings of the colors for pedestrians are as follows:

The meaning of Traffic lights colors for Pedestrians:

1) Green: 

Green Pedestrian Signal: "Go Safely"

When the pedestrian signal displays a green light, it indicates that pedestrians are allowed to start crossing the road. 

However, pedestrians should still exercise caution and be aware of any turning vehicles.

  • Green means you can start crossing.
  • Like a "walk" sign at a crosswalk.
  • Example: Cross when you see a green person.

2) Flashing Green:

Flashing Green Pedestrian Signal: "Watch Out"

It is also known as "Walk" or "Pedestrian Walk" symbol. 

A flashing green pedestrian light typically means that pedestrians are allowed to start crossing the road, but they should also watch for oncoming traffic and yield to turning vehicles.

  • Blinking green means cross but be careful.
  • Look for cars turning, then walk.
  • Example: Cross with care during flashing green.

3) Solid Yellow:

Yellow Pedestrian Signals: "Get Ready to Stop"

It is also known as "Flashing Don't Walk" or "Pedestrian Clearance" symbol.

A solid yellow light on the pedestrian signal warns pedestrians that they should not start crossing the road. 

However, if pedestrians have already begun crossing during the green phase, they can continue to cross.

  •  Solid yellow prepares you to halt.

4) Flashing Yellow:

A flashing yellow light on the pedestrian signal indicates that pedestrians should not start crossing the road. 

Pedestrians who have already started crossing during the green phase should try to finish crossing if it is safe to do so.

  • Flashing yellow finish crossing if safe.
  • Example: Start stopping when yellow shows.

5) Red:

Red Pedestrian Signal: "Stop and Stay"

It is alternatively referred to as the "Don't Walk" or "Pedestrian Stop" icon.

A red pedestrian signal means that pedestrians should not start crossing the road. 

Pedestrians who have not yet started crossing should wait at the curb. 

However, some intersections have a countdown timer that shows how much time is left before the signal changes to green for pedestrians, allowing them to gauge whether they have enough time to cross.

  • Red means stop, don't cross.
  • Wait at the corner, no walking.
  • Example: Stand still when the hand is red.

Why Follow Pedestrian Signals?

1) Respect Laws and Safety: 

Pedestrian signals are there to guide us and keep us safe. Obeying them shows respect for the rules and helps prevent accidents.

2) Reduce Accidents, Increase Safety:

When we follow signals, the chances of accidents decrease. We create a safer environment for ourselves and others on the road.

3) Predictable Movements: 

By obeying signals, we make our actions predictable to drivers. They can anticipate when we'll cross, leading to smoother traffic flow and fewer surprises.

Signals Around the World:

1) Diverse Regulations: 

Different countries have different rules for pedestrian signals. What's allowed in one place might be different somewhere else.

2) Accessibility for All: 

Some signals are designed specifically for people who are visually impaired. These signals use special cues, like sound or vibrations, to help them know when it's safe to cross.

3) Language and Symbols: 

Signals can use words, symbols, or a combination of both. 

In some areas, you'll see signs with words like "Walk" and "Don't Walk," while in others, you might see pictures of people walking or standing. 

It's all about making sure everyone understands, no matter their language or ability.

Tips for Safe Crossings:

1) 360-Degree Look: 

Before crossing, check both left and right sides of the road to ensure no vehicles are coming. Then, proceed if it's clear.

2) Eye Contact: 

Make eye contact with drivers if possible, so you know they've seen you and are aware you're crossing.

3) Stay Alert: 

Avoid distractions like phones or music. Be attentive to your environment by keeping both your eyes and ears aware.

4) Example Reminder: 

Imagine you're reading a book – start on the left page, then look at the right page, and finally, glance at the left again before stepping forward. 

Just like reading, it helps you "read" the road safely.